WWNAEC Officers & Board

Below are the Western Washington Native American Education Consortium officers and members. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions.

2023-2024 School Year WWNAEC OFFICERS

CHAIR2023-2025 (2 year term)

Rachael Barger
Native American Teacher (TOSA)
Bethel School District
[email protected]

VICE CHAIR • 2024-2025 (1 year term)

Jerad Koepp
North Thurston Public Schools
[email protected]

SECRETARY • 2024-2025 (1 year term)

Alisa Woodruff
North Thurston Public Schools
[email protected]

TREASURER2023-2026 (3 year term)

Jenny Serpa, MPA (Quechua)
Extended Campus Site Manager – Nisqually Northwest Indian College
Owner, Hawkheart Consulting LLC
Consultant Project Manager, Office of Native Education, OSPI
[email protected]

HISTORIAN • 2023-2025 (2 year term)

Otellie Trujillo (Dine’/Hopi)
Fife School District
Native American Education Specialist
[email protected]

MEMBER-AT-LARGE 1 • 2024-2026 (2 year term)

Shana Brown
Native American Curriculum Specialist at Seattle Public Schools
[email protected]

MEMBER-AT-LARGE 2 2023-2025 (2 year term)

Sandra Gordon
Native Education & Tribal Relations Coordinator
[email protected]

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